RU: Триязычный международный модный проект | ES: El proyecto intenacional de moda, trilingüe | EN: The trilingual international fashion project

четверг, 16 сентября 2010 г.

Stop wasting time and just Draw

Draw Ltd. is a NYC based artist collective. They have not only expanded an idea that anyone can be an artist, or that they want people to draw to the themes for Draw, but also to highlight unknown artists around the world.

There is such a vast group of talented and creative people out there that never get the exposure they deserve, until now. While Draw organically grows, this artists collective hope to also start to inspire not only people to believe that they can all draw, but to also give a voice to the artistic community that is over looked.

Two of Draw's latest artists are Byron Gray and Ricardo Sousa. They contributed illustrations to create the Lucia and Innervision t-shirts, respectively.

Byron Gray is an illustrator from upstate New York who donated his Lucia drawing to Draw. While Byron was in high school his science teacher told him a story of a deer kicking a person to death after being hit by a car. Byron took that fear and feeling of anxiety he felt from that story and created Lucia. His shirt can be found at store.

Ricardo Sousa is only 17, and a senior in high school. But even at just 17 you can see how talented he is, and how complicated he can make his entirely hand rendered drawings. The wonderful thing is anyone at Draw have never even met Ricardo as he hails from Lisbon, Portugal. He is the second international artist had submit drawings to Draw, and hopefully not the last. His shirt can be found at store.

Whoever’s reading this right now, Draw Ltd. want your art: "We want everyone out there that feels the same way that we do, to join us. Send us your drawings and get yourself out there, because that’s Draw. We’re a collection of artists, supporting artists. You don’t need 4 years of art college and a great portfolio to be an artist. So when we say artist…we mean you".

So head on over to and check it out. Draw is excited for where this company has been and where it’s planned to go, and this group of kids can’t wait to show the world what they have in store next.

Draw Ltd. Website
Draw Ltd. on Facebook
Draw Ltd. on Twitter
Draw Ltd. on MySpace

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